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MFC - Fiber Optic Coupled HPLC Micro Flow Cell with temperature control

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The Micro flow cell is a useful tool for applications like Mikro-HPLC, Fermentation processes, Micro sampling or medical applications. Smallest sample volumes can be a analyzed. Due to the optional temperature stabilisation highest reproducibility can be acheved. For the micro HPLC cell a temperature control is possible using a Peltier element controlled by a computer and connected via the RS-232 interface.

SpecificationMicro HPLC Flow Cell
Spectral rangeUV/VIS/NIR (250 - 2500nm)
Optical path length5mm or 10mm
MaterialQuartz, Saphir, Aluminium
Sample cell diameter0,5mm
Sample volume1µl at 5mm optical path length
2 µl at 10 mm optical path length
Sample interface"OMNIFIT" tube connector < 3000 kPa
Temperature control
TE-cooling with internal micro controller
Range: 10 - 40°C +- 0,1°C
Fiber-optic couplingSMA
Dimensions40 x 70 x 46 mm

Last change 08/15/2007
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