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661.052 - Immersion probe for fluorescence measurements in solutions

Request for Information

The fluorescence immersion probe, manufactured by our partner HELLMA, makes it possible to measure fluorescence outside of the fluorimeter, directly in the medium being investigated. To achieve the best possible separation between the excitation and fluorescence beams, the fluorescent light is captured at a right angle to the incoming beam. A stainless steel casing protects the quartz glass probe head from damage and reduces the amount of incoming ambient light. A built-in cylindrical concave mirror reflects transmitted light back into the centre of the sample chamber. A flat mirror in the sample chamber increases the yield of fluorescence light.

Should you have questions concerning the technical specification; our application scientists will be pleased to consult you.

Technical Specification
Probe head materialQuartz glass SUPRASIL® 300
Probe handle materialStainless steel 1.4404 (316L)
Protective cover materialStainless steel 1.4404 (316L) / 1.4571 (316Ti)
Probe head sealKalrez® Compound 4079
Protective cover sealViton®
Outer Diameter probe head15 mm
Outer Diameter probe handle18 mm
Outer Diameter protective cover20 mm
Total length175 mm
Height of sample chamber7 mm
Max. immersion depth100 mm
Max. pressure6 bar
Max. temperature100°C
Fibre optic cableUV/VIS – Length 2m
220 nm – 1100 nm
(45.450 cm-1 – 9.100 cm-1)

Last change 08/15/2007 02:38 PM
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