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AR-1 - Argon Calibration Source

The AR-1 is a battery-operated light source offering simple operation. The spectrum covers all spectral lines of argon from 696-1704 nm. It is connected to optical fibers via SMA connector.

The Argon Calibration Source is a spectral wavelength calibration source specifically designed for NIR spectrometer. The lamp produces low-pressure argon atomic emission lines from 696-1704 nm for use in performing fast, reliable spectrometer wavelength calibrations. The spectral emission lines are printed on the lamp's housing.

Power requirements
12VDC, 250 mA
Ar lines from 696 nm to 1704 nm
Fiber optic connector
SMA 905 connector
Internal voltage
600 V at 30 kHz
Bulb life time
Ca. 3.500 hrs @ 20 mA
Warm-up time
1 minute for vapor stabilization.
125,7 x 70 x 25 mm

Last change 06/18/2007
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